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State of the Market – an Update from the CEO of FJP Investment

FJP Investment has taken a number of measures / steps throughout the last 12 months to shield the company from the effects of the pandemic. We are pleased to announce, that as a company, we are strong and have never been in a better position.

The pandemic hit some 12 months ago and turned our world upside down in so many ways. The only option was to take stock and try to understand the situation and push on. In many ways, the pandemic has actually been a good moment for us to re-calibrate our business for the next 5 years.

We formed FJP Investment in 2013 and have experienced rapid growth year-on-year and in doing so, when caught up in the growth trajectory, as a business, you accumulate all sorts of costs and expenditures that upon reflection could be cut. There were some tough decisions to make but it was always in the spirit of seeing FJP Investment – stand the test of time.

Our business was actually primed for the pandemic in the sense that we quickly adjusted and had very little downtime. Although we have two UK offices, our staff have always had a hybrid approach of working from home, office or on the road when travelling the world meeting clients. Therefore, there is no real need nor requirement for us to be entirely office based as our industry does allow us to work from anywhere.

Our systems are entirely digital and can be worked via the laptop or mobile phone. Prior to the pandemic, we were in the process of setting up in Hong Kong. The plan still remains, though temporarily on hold while the pandemic played out. The transition to being entirely grounded at home was easy enough and we adapted well.

Zoom calls became the norm and have been one of the greatest benefits to come from the pandemic. For me personally, the ability to do back-to-back Zoom calls rather than running around the world has allowed productivity to increase. Face to face meetings are integral and will no doubt be back on the agenda when the time is right.

I see face to face meetings as a great means to build the relationship, perhaps at a ration of 10% face to face with 90% via Zoom.

I went from 62 flights in 2019 – to 1 flight in 2020, which was my return from India in February just as the pandemic was starting to hit Europe.

But productivity has not decreased, as, a lot of the face to face meetings have naturally shifted over to Zoom and we have focused on existing relationships and nurturing those further.

Our company has traditionally been property focused. This is our core and remains so. But it would be naive to limit ourselves to one segment of investing and for that reason, throughout 2020 we have diversified interest into other assets.

As we approach the close of Quarter 1 of 2021 – I am pleased to write, that this Quarter has been the best Quarter in the history of FJP for 2 reasons –

  • Volume of new clients: We have brought on the most clients in a quarterly period in our history. This is new individuals/corporates whom have not previously done business with us.
  • Volume of sales: We have also surpassed our volume of business in terms of the amount of capital invested in ideas per quarter.

Could I have predicted this several months ago – no. This is testament to the hard work put in by all at FJP Investment and most importantly, the appetite and trust bestowed from clients of FJP.

We remain cautious. We remain steady in our approach. All being said, we do feel that we are through the worst of the pandemic and see our business as strong and ready to blossom as we exit the pandemic.

In closing, we would all like to pay tribute to those whom have suffered from this awful situation. We must remain humble and fortunate for all that we have.

So many people have suffered catastrophic moments in the last 12 months and continue to suffer. This is an opportune moment to give thanks for what we have rather than give chase to what we do not have.

Thank you to our clients – thank you for your unwavering support.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Jamie Johnson

CEO & Co-Founder


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