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Foreign-Registered Firms & the UK Property Market: The Rising Tide of Ownership

The UK property market has long been a magnet for foreign investment, particularly in London, where property prices have consistently climbed, and rental yields remain attractive. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of properties owned by foreign-registered firms in the UK, raising questions about the potential implications of this trend for the local property market, communities, and the economy as a whole.

This comprehensive article examines the rise in foreign property ownership, delving into the top five London boroughs witnessing this growth, the role of the New Register of Overseas Entities in promoting transparency, the significant stake held by Gulf state royal families in UK properties, the impact of the construction industry’s growth on foreign investment, and the potential implications of increased foreign ownership. Join us as we explore the ever-evolving landscape of the UK property market and the rising tide of foreign-registered firms’ involvement.

Foreign Property Ownership in London: The Top Five Boroughs

In the capital, certain boroughs have experienced a surge in foreign-owned properties. Here, we will analyse the top five boroughs with the most significant increases in foreign property ownership.

Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets, home to the iconic Canary Wharf business district, has seen the most substantial annual increase in foreign-owned homes, with a staggering 12.2 per cent more properties owned by foreign-registered firms compared to a year ago. The area’s thriving business environment, excellent transport links, and new residential developments make it an attractive investment opportunity for foreign buyers.


Haringey has witnessed an 8.4 per cent increase in foreign property ownership, placing it second among the top five boroughs. This North London borough is known for its green spaces, cultural diversity, and regeneration projects, which may be factors attracting foreign investment.


Wandsworth has seen a 7.9 per cent increase in foreign-owned homes. With its proximity to central London, riverside living, and excellent schools, Wandsworth appeals to a variety of foreign investors seeking a balance of urban convenience and suburban charm.


With a 7.3 per cent increase in foreign property ownership, Hackney ranks fourth among the top five boroughs. Known for its vibrant arts scene, trendy bars and restaurants, and creative communities, Hackney has become a popular destination for foreign investors seeking a culturally diverse and dynamic neighbourhood.


Ealing rounds out the top five with a 6.6 per cent increase in foreign-owned properties. Often referred to as the “Queen of the Suburbs,” Ealing boasts excellent schools, green spaces, and ongoing regeneration projects, which make it an attractive investment for foreign buyers.

The New Register of Overseas Entities: A Transparent Approach

The UK government has implemented the New Register of Overseas Entities to promote transparency in property ownership and provide a clearer picture of the entities and individuals involved in foreign property ownership.

How the Register Works

Overseas entities that already own or lease land or property in the UK must register with Companies House and disclose their registrable beneficial owners or managing officers. The register aims to improve transparency and accountability, making it easier for authorities to combat money laundering and tax evasion.

Benefits of the Register

The register provides several benefits, including increased transparency, better data for policymakers and researchers, and improved public trust in the property market. It also helps to ensure that overseas investors are held to the same standards as domestic property owners and comply with UK laws and regulations.

Gulf State Royal Families: The Billion-Pound Stake in UK Properties

The Register of Overseas Entities has revealed that the royal families of Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar, own a significant share of UK properties.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian royal family members and their associated companies hold substantial property investments in the UK, particularly in London’s prime areas. These investments include both residential and commercial properties.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates’ royal family and affiliated companies are also heavily invested in the UK property market, with high-profile acquisitions such as London’s iconic Shard building and several luxury hotels.


Qatari royal family members and their associated companies have a significant stake in the UK property market. Notable investments include the London Olympic Village, Harrods department store, and Canary Wharf.

Construction Industry Growth: A Potential Catalyst for Foreign Investment

The growth of the construction industry in the UK may be a significant factor in attracting foreign investment in the property market.

Trends in the Construction Industry

In 2021, there was a 3.2% increase in the number of VAT and PAYE registered firms operating in the construction industry in Great Britain compared to 2020. This growth signals a healthy economy and a stable environment for investment.

Impact on Property Market

As the construction industry expands, the supply of new properties increases, providing a wider array of investment opportunities for foreign-registered firms. This growth may also encourage the development of new infrastructure and amenities, further enhancing the appeal of the UK property market for both domestic and international investors.

Foreign-Registered Firms - Houses

Potential Implications of Increased Foreign Ownership

The rising trend of foreign property ownership in the UK has sparked discussions about its potential implications for various aspects of society, including housing affordability, the economy, and cultural influence.

Housing Affordability

Increased foreign investment in the UK property market can drive up property prices, potentially making it more difficult for local residents to afford homes in their own communities. This could lead to greater income inequality and social tensions as the property market becomes increasingly inaccessible for a large segment of the population.

Economic Impact

On one hand, foreign investment in the UK property market can contribute positively to the economy by stimulating growth, creating jobs, and generating tax revenue. However, it can also lead to an over-reliance on foreign capital, making the economy more susceptible to fluctuations in global markets and political instability. Additionally, an influx of foreign buyers can lead to increased competition for properties, driving up prices and potentially pricing out local buyers.

Cultural Influence

The increase in foreign property ownership may also have cultural implications. As communities become more diverse, cultural exchanges can enrich the local environment and foster greater understanding among different groups. However, it is essential to strike a balance between embracing cultural diversity and preserving the unique character and heritage of local communities.


The rising number of properties owned by foreign-registered firms in the UK, particularly in London, is a trend that has caught the attention of many. With Tower Hamlets, Haringey, Wandsworth, Hackney, and Ealing witnessing the most significant increases in foreign property ownership, it is clear that London continues to be a magnet for overseas investment.

The New Register of Overseas Entities aims to bring transparency to this trend, with notable revelations such as the significant property holdings of Gulf state royal families in the UK. Meanwhile, the construction industry’s growth could be a driving factor in attracting foreign investment.

As we continue to monitor this trend, it is essential to consider the potential implications for the UK property market, local communities, and the economy at large. Will foreign investment remain a dominant force in the UK property landscape, or will new factors emerge that shift the balance? Only time will tell. For now, we must keep a keen eye on the evolving landscape of property ownership in the UK, recognising the significant role that foreign-registered firms play in shaping this dynamic market.


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